Rave ‘n’ Crave Wednesday: How to Lace Your Shoes Properly for Your Foot Type or Why You Are Lacing Your Shoes All Wrong!

Posted by on Apr 10, 2013 in rave 'n' crave wednesday, shoes, superdiva | 0 comments

Rave ‘n’ Crave Wednesday:  How to Lace Your Shoes Properly for Your Foot Type or Why You Are Lacing Your Shoes All Wrong!

I’ve made it no secret that I love my Vibrams. Yes, they look a little funny. Guess what though? I can wear them all day and my toes and back stay happy. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice a little form for function. Foot pain is a major problem. When you wear shoes that hurt, I guarantee you that you aren’t thinking about anything else but how much your feet hurt. Change how you lace your shoes and your feet will thank you.

We’ve been taught to criss cross our laces and tie them together at the top. As a runner, kettlebell-swinger, and hiker, well-fitting shoes are important. Turns out there are a multitude of ways to lace shoes that aren’t decorative, but functional! I came across a lacing technique for runners on Pinterest, tried it the next day, and my feet were instantly happier. My feet were so happy that I had to write a blog post about it.

I am often readjusting my shoes because of where the veins run across the tops of my feet. Imagine my delight when I discovered that I no longer have to run laces across my veins that cut off circulation?! In addition to the YouTube video below, I HIGHLY recommend a shoe lacing technique post on KatieRunsThis’s blog. She gives you a visual break down of lacing techniques and what foot problems they solve. Now, you have one less excuse to run, dance, walk, skip, or just plain wiggle . . . You’re welcome.

© 2013, the superdiva, dk. All rights reserved. www.thesuperdiva.com

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